wisdom in the wild - blog
Lessons, channeled teachings, and tips collected from magick and wisdom found within the wild.
The History and Magical Origins of Runes
One of the oldest magick symbols that has remained the test of time, the history of runes is mysterious yet filled with incredible storytelling.

Shamans, our first ancient consolers, teachers, guides, and healers.
Learn about the history of Shamans and what it truly means to be a shaman.
Shamanic Soul retrieval
A shamanic Soul Retrieval is one of the most powerful healings a soul can receive yet there are very far and few practitioners traditionally trained to provide them.

Awakening my own ancestors
I had no idea that my ancestors had gods and goddesses, old ways, divination, or even pagan traditions. Read how I began awakening my own ancestors.

How I Began Channeling Light Language to Create Powerful Activations from the Cosmos to Earth
When I first came across the meaning of light language I was both curious and confused. Never hearing someone speak light language before, I didn't understand what other worldly communication could sound like. My first time hearing light language spoken out loud was the first activation I received to then ignite the remembering of when I spoke this language long ago.

Journaling for the soul: How writing helped me explore my soul on a deeper level
At the age of 18, I unconsciously tapped into my spirit again. The gateway which led me to this union was through a journal. In this journal I professed to my guides my painful heartbreak, confusing freshman year experiences, and what it felt like to move away from my childhood friends. Without realizing it I was clearing my energy, holding space for my pain so I could make room for more light in my body.

How to Discover Who Your Spirit Guides Are. Learn to Call in Your Guides and Communicate With Them
Our spirit guides and support team are always around us, whether we feel them or not. They come in many forms, they incarnate from different places in the universe, and they all have different messages to share with us. You can have a spirit guide from the moment you are born to the time of your departure, or you can receive many different guides for specific lessons in your life.

The Akashic Records on Moon Wisdom: What Are The Best Ways to Connect with the Moon?
Welcome! It is your guide Briöna helping you to understand the moon and get closer to connecting with her beautiful energies. For this post I will be sharing some of my own moon rituals, how I've been connecting to moon energy for over 10 years, and messages I’ve accessed from Akashic Records to deepen our souls connection with the moon.

How To Keep Centered with Your Soul on a Daily Basis, Living with Eyes Wide Open
The lessons cultivated for this special post are tools explained by my coaches, teachers, and spiritual team. I hope they allow you to “stay awake” with more ease, especially in times where our 3D world appears to be in distress and chaotic. We are not bypassing what is to be seen, we are not closing our eyes to what is in front of us, we are living with eyes WIDE OPEN.

Channeled Meditation Steps for Healing Relationship Trauma
As you know, the collective is awakening, people are standing in unity, and a new wold is approaching. A week before, I had channeled a meditation from my guides to heal my own relationship trauma and was called to share this with you. I share these meditation steps with you as a form of healing, as you either sit in solidarity, or find yourself needing to take a break to breathe and come back home to yourself.

NUMEROLOGY; How to recognize numerological signs and apply them to your life
The first time I was ever contacted by my spirit guides, was through numbers. The day I was born, 19, has been shown to me every single day, multiple times a day since High School. Maybe I was unaware and they were connecting with me even longer ago, but this was the time I began to adopt spirituality in my life and was able to notice these synchronicities and patterns as true signs.

My Spiritual Morning Routine; How I Begin My Day with Powerful Cosmic Connection
Deep in my soul I have always been a morning person. It has always been very natural for me and my family to get up early without needing coffee or tools to wake us up. Energy runs through my body as I open my eyes and begin to wake up to a clean slate. With an intentional full nights rest, my body is rejuvenated and ready to receive.

How To Create a Sacred Space in Your Home to Open Up Your Channel
If your interested in opening your channel with your guides you’ve come to the right place! I am a newly practicing Tarot and Akashic record reader. With the right tools and little time I was able to open my channel wide to receive and deliver clear messages to my clients as well as myself. I credit this ability largely to the way I have created a sacred space in my home to do this work.

ASTROLOGY the basics of what you need to know and how it can help you in your life
So you want to learn more about astrology? Astrology is a very deep and diverse field of study, in order to begin your journey in understanding astrology and working with your sign it’s best to go over the basics.

How To Use Your Instincts and Remove Doubt; The Lessons of the Wolves
Your inner knowing, gut feelings, senses, and passions are deeply rooted in the makeup of your soul and represent your instincts. These instincts are both spiritually and physically connected to our wild self. We evolved and have arrived to the 2020 portal by following our instincts, and we continue to align with our higher self by following our instincts.

How to be aware of signs your spirit guides are sending.
Signs are visual spiritual messages directly sent to us by our spirit guides. They come in many shapes and forms delivered to us at a divine time in our life.