The magick of the runes
Runes are the trusted ally of the magick worker, the shaman, the soul on a quest. They have provided me great comfort, insite, and support in my journey.
Runes have many interpretations for their identity, but one of the most solid ways I view them is as a tool with rich medicine, power, and history intertwined with norse/nordic magick and mythology. Runes are the first Germanic alphabet, but the essence of the symbol is where most of the magick and story is held.
If I were to boil a cauldron to share about the runes and their distinct magick, I would take 3 ingredients to describe them and how they intend to be used. Medicine (Gandr), Chanting (Galdr), and Wisdom (Odin). With lots of mystery and magick in between. Some carry an epic story of wisdom, power, and strength, others whose story actually lives within the wisdom, power, and strength of the gods and goddesses.
The Magick of Runes
“Each rune is a profound symbol, and together they represent a mystical language of the spirit.”
- Iva Kenaz
1. Medicine (Gandr) - magick, spirit, and the essence the runes can provide.
Carved by the hands of the Norns, taught by Freyja and her ability to use runes for Magick with Seidr, and understood by the sacrifice of Odin. The runes are a gift and sacrifice by Odin passed down to mankind for thousands of years, and still their essence lives. Whether written on the body, carved within the wood, or seen with the vision, the runes support our mind, body, and soul through its symbols. They show you their essence when alone, in casts, in binds, or in helms. By devoting the time to understand their energy and their story, one can receive the rune's true medicine and use it as part of one's magick tool belt at any moment. Yielding a powerful gift to the rune worker and those who receive their workings.
“The essence of the Elder Futhark”
'FEHU : Wealth, prosperity, abundance, awakened sexuality, the feminine warrior - Freyja's Rune
URUZ : Strength, collective synergy, stabilized energy
THURISAZ : Defense, problem solving, the root, personal power - Thor’s Rune
ANSUZ : Wisdom, answers, spoken word, meaningful knowledge - Odin’s Rune
RAIDHO : Journey, travel, quest, path, time
KENAZ : Torch, light in the darkness, awakening, illumination
GEBO : Gift, promise, oath, contract
WUNJO : Flag, our true selves, being seen, a blessing
HAGALAZ : Hail, life's storms, delay, patience, heavy council - Heimdall’s Rune
NAUTHIZ : Need, reassurance, trust, letting go, birthright
ISA : Ice, reflection, sacred pause, presence, stillness
JERA : Harvest, seasons, balance, bounty, celebration, cycles
EIHWAZ : Focus, achievement, gateways, unseen realms - Elves + Fae’s Rune
PERTHRO : Luck, dice cup, chances, magick, cauldron, risk and reward
ALGIZ : Protection, vigilance, guardianship
SOWELO : Success, expansive energy, joy - Rune of the Gods
TEIWAZ : Victory, nobility, warrior, pure masculine, justice - Tyr’s Rune
BERKANA : Birth, planting seeds, nurturing, hearth, pure feminine - Frigga’s Rune
EHWAZ : Partnership, teamwork, feminine and masculine balance, soulmate - Sleipnir’s Rune
MANNAZ : Humanity, mankind, culture, healers, helpers - Er’s Rune
LAGUZ : Love, intuition, emotion, fluidity, adaptable - Loki’s Rune
INGWAZ : Doing, physical action, playful - Freyr’s Rune
DAGAZ : Dawn, new beginnings, solutions, transformation, positive outcomes
OTHALA : Ancestors, tribe, family, home, belonging - Odin’s Rune
2. Chanting (Galdr) - song, charms, and the gift of the soul.
Runes are powerful symbols to view, read, and inscribe, but their song frequency is just as powerful. To know how to pronounce the rune authentically with a similar tongue to the northern people allows the runes to be echoed across timelines. An unstoppable force of medicine and magick for all who listen and hear. For the singer, the vibrations ring and resonate with the body, balancing and creating positive transformations. One can sit and sing with one rune of their choosing for weeks, or bring all 24 together to chant in a song. When sung the runes can transport the soul to better places of understanding, healing, and connection with the universe and all living things. For those who identify as a woman, chanting the runes can be especially powerful for the rejuvenation of the feminine essence and the womb. When I chant the runes, I especially can feel my ancestors rejoicing.
3. Wisdom (Odin) - power, reading, and carrying the story.
To know the authentic story and meaning of the runes allows their power to be passed down and preserved from wisdom seeker to wisdom seeker. Each of their stories offer a unique perspective, and can resonate across all 9 worlds. Studying the runes is a quest of knowledge, one that mirrors Odin's story of gaining access to the runes. To carry this knowledge, there is a certain responsibility one carries putting us in a position to be a nobel leader. The runes provide introspection, not just our own but of the gods/goddess and our ancestors. Through this we gain diverse perspectives around a challenge, a changing path, and our evolution. With the runes we can peer through the wisdom of past, present, and future instead of trying to predict it. Greater wisdom and vision which can help us and others to write a better and more powerful story, yet also humble us when fearlessly faced with the fate of the Norns.
Once you experience these 3 pieces, how can you carry the magick of the runes with you?
Gift the runes
Intentional choose when and where you chant or sing
Use the runes within a prayer or blessing
Invite them to your ceremony or ritual
Allow them to help you solve a problem for yourself and humanity
Give them space in your home
Take notice the runes who try to find you
May the runes meet you where you are on your path, and take you on a beautiful journey. Learn about my services if you desire to reach deeper into the runes and other spiritual practices.