Shamanic Soul retrieval
A shamanic Soul Retrieval is one of the most powerful healings a soul can receive yet there are very far and few practitioners traditionally trained to provide them. I am going to explain Soul Retrieval from a shamanically trained perspective, and discuss the type of person or creature who may benefit from one. If you are interested in Soul Retrieval services you can contact me for free consultation.
Soul Retrievals
A person is typically guided by an experienced shaman through the process of bringing the lost soul back
What is Soul Retrieval?
A Soul Retrieval is a shamanic healing technique where a Shaman or a shamanically trained practitioner visits the spirit world in journey on behalf of their client. The practitioner then goes to retrieve the piece or pieces of their soul that has been stuck or lost in a past experience due to trauma or other similar circumstance. There are certain steps, techniques, and methods that the Shaman is trained in, which also requires skill from all of their training to complete. Metaphorically explained by my shamanic teachers, if the entire soul is a jigsaw, or a tapestry, each strand of the tapestry or piece of the jigsaw representing different experiences or aspects of the soul, a Soul Retrieval can help return these pieces or strands back together so that the puzzle or tapestry is whole.
In respect of shamanic tradition, if a “Soul Retrieval” is performed by someone who has not trained through an apprenticeship then this is not an actual Soul Retrieval but their own healing technique. Soul Retrievals are typically a last resort healing method, meaning someone might try other healing methods before seeking a Soul Retrieval, being that it is one of the most powerful and to be done for a client who is truly ready to receive this level of healing.
Who would benefit from a Soul Retrieval?
Someone who has experienced trauma that inhibits their quality of living
Someone who has recurring challenges or negative experiences
Someone who carries past life or ancestral trauma
Someone who feels missing or empty pieces within themselves or soul
Someone who struggles greatly with being present
Why do Soul pieces sometimes get left behind?
For any of the above mentioned characteristics of someone who would benefit from a Soul Retrieval, you can start to understand why a Soul piece or pieces would be left behind in a past traumatic or challenging experience. After providing Soul Retrievals, I have seen a common occurrence where the Soul piece chooses to stay behind in an attempt to stay with and protect this younger or past version of the client who experienced the event. The Soul does not recognize time. Even though the client has grown, become older and wiser and maybe even less afraid after these events in their life took place, the piece remains attached to the energy and emotion of the event(s). Even if this memory was “long ago”, perhaps forgotten and or compartmentalized by the brain, the Soul remembers. When the Soul piece returns, it is almost like a reunion of the present version of the client, they feel and become more whole and present.
What is the process of a Soul Retrieval like?
For the client, I will describe what the process would be like for them in the perspective of receiving a Soul Retrieval in the way I was trained to provide.
First the client would expect to “sit down” with the shamanic practitioner to share their story and experiences. If their Shaman lives far away, they can do this over the phone or video call, through email, or in person if they are local. During what we call the intake, the Shamans' role is to listen carefully and use their gifts to hear their stories and look for signs to see if in fact a Soul Retrieval is needed.
If the Shaman believes after this, that a Soul Retrieval would be appropriate and they receive permission from the client, they will then go on a journey on behalf of the client to try to retrieve the Soul piece or pieces that are missing from the present version of their client. The Shaman is equipped with medicine, tools, and skills they have learned from their training and follow the guides present for the client through the journey. During the journey the Shaman will use these skills and guides to perform the Soul Retrieval, in some cases they will return with one piece or multiple pieces. In other cases, a Shaman will discern if it would be of best interest of the client to do the Soul Retrieval in a few pieces over a certain amount of time.
Before the closing of the Soul Retrieval, it will be the clients sovereign permission to choose if they accept the Soul pieces the Shaman has returned with or not. If the client accepts, the Shaman will blow the pieces back into the entire Soul of the client. If the client chooses to deny the pieces, then the Shaman will not blow in the pieces returning them, in this case the Soul Retrieval is undone, and the client can resume their life as it was.
In the case that the client accepts the Soul Retrieval, then the Shaman will give them careful and simple instructions to integrate the Soul pieces. This is one of the most important steps after a Soul Retrieval, even though a client may say they accept the Soul pieces, it is what they do with them after that is the most vital to the healing process in restoring the pieces so they feel safe and secure to remain after being missing for sometime. The client and the Shaman can then choose to remain in contact to stay up to date with how the pieces are integrating.
If you feel you may require a Soul Retrieval and the support of a shamanic practitioner, what should you do?
Find a Shaman or shamanic practitioner who has been trained appropriately. Feel if you resonate with them and their methods, notice if it feels natural for you to trust them, in essence make sure you feel comfortable with them. Then inquire about their process, and sit down for intake or a consultation to see if it is a good fit, the professional can then help you determine if in fact a Soul Retrieval would benefit you. If at all you wish to not accept the Soul pieces for any reason, then you can choose to deny the actions of the retrieval and they will be undone (If the Shaman is a professional they will know this as well).
If you decide to receive a Soul Retrieval make sure you have space available to integrate property otherwise you can risk losing the full effects of the healing. An exchange of some kind is also important and necessary, both for the history of this practice, and in respect of the practitioner who will be doing the Soul Retrieval on your behalf.
If you resonate with my healing and shamanic work I will be taking in Soul Retrieval Clients beginning February 4th, you can reach out to me via email to go over the process together.