The Pillars of Spiritual Mentorship
What is Spiritual Mentorship?
To understand the value of spiritual mentorship, it's important to understand some of its origins and from the perspectives of my own mentorship spaces what the roots are made of. In essence spiritual mentorship provides a sacred and safe space for an individual seeking to evolve spiritually by becoming closer to their soul. There are so many tools for how this is done, some mentorships even have different focuses and teaching styles of course, but the role of the mentor is to provide this space for the individual to grow spiritually both in mind, body, and of course spirit. For centuries, there have been guides, teachers, and mentors who have passed down their craft and helped the birthing of souls onto their spiritual path helping them to grow their intuitive gifts while doing so. These folks who taught, shared, and supported others with their medicine were also well respected in their community, compensated well for their work, and very supported for what they did even through difficult times like the witch trials and many persecutions similar to this.
To understand the value of spiritual mentorship, it's important to understand some of its origins
Spiritual expression is becoming safer and safer in certain parts of the world, and because of this the relationship between spiritual mentor and spiritual seeker is flourishing while supporting the planet one soul at a time. The three sacred roots that create the pillars of spiritual mentorship and how it can support the spiritual seeker that I’ve experienced, felt, and seen in my own mentorship container and others is creating balance, untangling the shadow from the soul, and the healing aspect of vulnerability.
Creating Balance
On any spiritual quest, balance is vital. By becoming more balanced in your emotions, mind, and body you can feel strong and have an anchor point on your journey as you undoubtedly experience highs and lows is something spiritual mentorship does great at providing. Through spiritual mentorship you can receive tools and techniques that are available for times of need and replenishing along the way. These tools often have ancient origins passed down from centuries that have even supported your own ancestors. Others can be used in a contemporary way that fits your modern spiritual lifestyle. Finding what tools bring you this balance is actually very fun, as it typically feels like a coming home to what your soul loves and truly needs to feel its freest and fullest. Through spiritual mentorship you discover your own spiritual gifts, wisdom, and medicine which also holds and supports you along your path by knowing your mind, body, and soul in a more intimate and accepting way. Through connecting to these elements of self, your connection to the elements in nature (earth, air, fire, and water) promotes universal balance and becomes even more strengthened.
Shadow & Soul
Understanding your soul as well as understanding your shadow provides clarity on your spiritual journey. The right spiritual mentor can see your blind spots to help you discern your shadow from your soul. A well rounded spiritual mentor is committed to their own spiritual evolution and healing work, which means they have lots of experience getting to know their ego, wounds, and shadow as well as ways of accepting these parts of themselves to live with more awareness. These skills can then be passed down to the soul seeker, becoming better equipped and more grounded on their path. Through this they learn the shadow is not “bad” but often pieces of themselves they often might not want to look at, where the spiritual mentor can help hold their hand and guide them into creating more love and acceptance around this. The impact of this is the seeker can then walk more confidently in life having worked besides aspects of their shadow like their inner child, ego, and wounding. This gives them more power, and the ability to live more authentically in their soul's truth.
Healing Together
It is important to remember you're not alone in your spiritual growth journey. A spiritual mentor is both a teacher and friend who has taken sacred time to know and understand you, so they can support your mission and journey as an evolving soul. In spiritual mentorship this is often done through ceremony and spaceholding. A spiritual mentor who knows their client is their own best healer, can support them in seeing their power instead of questioning it. When holding this kind of space for their growth, the spiritual mentor provides a safe space for the client to discover how to heal themselves with a balanced amount of consensual guidance when asked. This is what the soul truly craves, self discovery, not a teacher handing them the map and answering their every question, although sometimes tempting. By supporting and witnessing the client as they navigate their uncertainty on their spiritual path, meeting the depths of their shadow and soul, and learning their own tools and medicine, they heal together by supporting and honoring this magick.
If you value this type of soul sovereignty and leadership, and resonate with these pillars I hold within my own spiritual mentorship, I would love to connect and if our souls align and become a part of your amazing wild journey to discover more of your medicine and magick together.