How to Discover Who Your Spirit Guides Are. Learn to Call in Your Guides and Communicate With Them
Our spirit guides and support team are always around us, whether we feel them or not. They come in many forms, they incarnate from different places in the universe, and they all have different messages to share with us. You can have a spirit guide from the moment you are born to the time of your departure, or you can receive many different guides for specific lessons in your life. The important thing to remember is we all have guides, multiple in fact, and they are here to communicate with us and lead us back to our souls path if we choose to listen. You’re probably reading this post because you are either curious about who your guides are or wanting to expand your relationship with them. You're in the right place to discover who your guides could be, how to call them in, and feel their presence when they arrive.
Who are my guides?
Spirit comes in many forms, animals, celestial beings, great ancestors, passed loved ones, star seed relatives. No guide is the same, which can make discovering yours exciting yet confusing. First, think about something your soul gravitates towards. Is it a certain animal? Is it a place? Is it an image of a person you've never seen before in person? One of the best ways to discover your guides is noticing recurrences and remembering your interests. For example, I’ve always been really infatuated with wolves. Reading about wolves, visiting wolf sanctuaries, it's like I'm always hypnotized by them. These simple connections made it clear to me that wolves were important to my soul's guidance. Not too long after, I entered a deep meditation where I met my guide face to face. This guide was an indigineous women with a big white wolf by her side. Together this pair made up one of my guides, who I will remain nameless for privacy reasons. Pay attention to certain words and phrases that capture your attention. Having meditation confirm this knowing was nice, but it was not necessary to discover who my guides were. I felt our connection with one another before this encounter.
How do I call in my guides and begin communicating with them?
You can call your guides in many ways. You can set a meeting during a meditation like I choose to, you can welcome their energy into your sacred space, or just quiet your mind to allow your higher consciousness to sense and listen to them. If you wish to make a connection, let it be known to them. You can set your intention by journaling, then follow with creating a sacred space for yourself. It will be easier to notice them when you are in a clear and conscious state of mind. When they arrive, take notes in your head without examining them all the way. Sense with your eyes closed...Is there a shift of emotion, temperature, energy, color, feeling, or sound? This shift is most likely the presence of one or more of your guides. Once you feel their energy there is no right or wrong way really to engage besides being polite. Your guides won't be offended by orders or demands, but they won't understand their purpose. This is why it is best to be clear, open, and truthful with your words. If you feel comfortable...ask them their name, their purpose of being there, and who they are. Like developing (more likely in this case remembering) a friendship. Always be sure to take notes of what you find after your communication, this way you can recognize when they return.
How can I feel when my guides are present?
With your notes, study their energy. Is the energy masculine or feminine? What direction is the energy coming from? What color or image comes to mind when you connect with this energy? These traits will become important to understanding your language. Touch, taste, smell, and sight are energies you might already be used to. The energies of spirit will be slightly different, they can be enhanced or altered. It can be a completely new experience, or one that feels familiar. If it is a familiar energy, this guide has most likely been present your whole life. If the energy is foriegn, then this guide might be new and eager to begin working with you! It becomes harder to connect with your guides when you compare experiences with others. When you listen to stories, don't expect the same outcome. The closer you align with your own soul, and trust your own instincts, the easier it will be to recognize them and to encourage more collaboration.
I hope this helps you along your journey. I purposely intended to make this post short and sweet so you can have your own unique experience and not base it off my own. Be confident in your connection and let go.