How To Use Your Instincts and Remove Doubt; The Lessons of the Wolves

Your inner knowing, gut feelings, senses, and passions are deeply rooted in the makeup of your soul and represent your instincts. These instincts are both spiritually and physically connected to our wild self. We evolved and have arrived to the 2020 portal by following our instincts, and we continue to align with our higher self by following our instincts. Who are the masters and teachers of these instincts and how do we learn to embrace them fully? We learn from the wolves.

If you study spirit animals, you would recognize wolves as leaders and intuitive creatures who embody a free spirit. The way they lead their pack, how they intuitively learn and become one with the land is through their instinct. By following our true path and removing doubt, we learn from the wolves how to be our true self. As we confidently step into our gifts, we are free. These are the lessons of the wolves.

Lesson 1) Follow your instincts

Let your instincts lead. Pay attention to how they work through you (touch, taste, feeling, knowing, hearing). When they are present, listen. Your instincts are very old and very wise, so trust them. Release fear, take a step back and allow them to lead for a change. Instincts are the doorway to releasing doubt. When you follow these instincts you begin see a world of difference in how you manifest your desires.

Lesson 2) Your instincts ARE your inner knowing

It is important to understand where your instincts come from and how they work. Instincts follow you among your many lives. They learned what has served you well and what has caused you discomfort. Instincts align directly with your soul, your inner knowing. You feel this alignment when you make decisions based on your instincts. Ever walk into an unfamiliar gas station and get a “bad feeling”? Maybe you even made the decision to go back to your car and find a station closer to your home. This is not a fear based decision, this is instinct guiding you to safety. What would the wolf do if they were in unfamiliar territory? Would they lead the pack into possible harms way or return home?

Lesson 3) Work with doubt, do NOT let it lead

Doubt and “the ego” try to protect us from making hasty decisions. When we allow them to consume our mind we loose touch with our instincts completely. Slowly it becomes harder and harder to make a clear decision. When doubt is present, work like the wolf. Lead with the soul instead of the mind, let instinct take its place. Be wise, act on decisions that benefit you and the pack (the collective). By making decisions that serve the community and yourself in a positive way, you are making the right decision.

Lesson 4) Embrace your inner wolf

Be wildly yourself. Follow your instincts. Lead with your senses and believe in what your soul already knows. Your inner wolf is here to guide you by clearing up leftover fears and doubts. She knows the way, so surrender and trust her. She is divine masculine and feminine energy entangled in one. She is wise, she is strong, she is loving, she is fierce, but most importantly she is free. Ego does not rule the wolf, the wolf rules the ego.

The image of the wolf has been one I’ve been connected to ever since I was a child. I loved wolves and their ancestral links to my own dogs. I took a liking their leadership roles in movies like Balto, and the wild instincts I feel from them when I connect with nature. Growing up near a wolf sanctuary in New York, I had the chance to meet wolves face to face when I was very young. There was something about them I always found so striking and impactful. They have remained a powerful spirit guide in my team, and I feel closer to them as I step into my own leadership abilities more and more. I intend to make the lessons of the wolf more present both here and on my other socials. I find this image of her to be a powerful source for free spirited souls to connect with, and want to make it a clear symbol for my work and this blog. I hope you enjoyed learning what I discovered to be the most important lessons of the wolves. If you have any more to share with me about this topic or stories of your spiritual wolf encounters, I would be so thrilled to connect and talk.

Remember to follow your instincts


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