How I Began Channeling Light Language to Create Powerful Activations from the Cosmos to Earth
When I first came across the meaning of light language I was both curious and confused. Never hearing someone speak light language before, I didn't understand what other worldly communication could sound like. Then one day on a podcast I was listening too, the host began to channel light language from the pleiadians. “Woah” I said out loud and in my head. My first time hearing light language spoken out loud was the first activation I received to then ignite the remembering of when I spoke this language long ago.
Although this first experience listening to someone speak light language was exhilarating and interesting, I mostly let the interest go. I didn’t know how to speak the language, and it didn't feel right to have anyone teach me. Certainly I didn’t believe at the time I would ever need it.
Then a few months after my first interaction with light language I began to work with a soul coach to support me during some intense shadow work. In her sessions she used light codes and spoke light language for the support of the class and her own communication needs with her guides. My eyes widened, my heart pumped louder and louder each time she spoke it. Each session she would use light language to channel and every time I listened I felt more called to investigate for myself.
The first time I received light language through my channel was May 23rd, 2020 during one of my morning meditations. I kept hearing pick up your pen, and write this down. I listened and took action, suddenly I was scribbling and writing all of these lines, curves, and dots with my eyes closed, remaining silent the entire time. Still blurry of their meaning or intention but deeply feeling each mark on the paper. The first light codes I ever wrote with my pen were hard to separate and look at closely so I wrote them a second time more clean. During this activation I received keywords that went alongside these codes. Divinity, Unlock, Key, Power, Use this, Humanity.
It was all very new and different for me but I knew the more I surrendered to the why, the more I would receive and understand. A few weeks passed and I did not receive any more codes until June 1st, 2020. During another meditation I received a light code that was interpreted as “We are one.” It was during this channeling session I felt the presence of my pleiadian, sirian, and orion star ancestors who I’ve met multiple times in my akashic records, they were the ones who channeled these words through me.
After this encounter I decided I wanted a special place to hold my light codes so I could try to interpret them and connect the symbols. I brought a fresh new journal and received 12 new light codes during that month of June. The more codes I began to channel the easier the interpretation came to me. It was during this month that I also began to speak the language outloud. At first I compared the sounds to the ones my coach and the podcast host I first listened to. The language sounded like it was from a similar origin but a completely different tongue from what I heard from these two womxn. It made me a little concerned at first, was this all in my head?
Was I even channeling light language or was it something else completely different?
Well this is what I learned to be true...Light language is a form of channeling sounds and words not typical to the human language, but hold deep meaning to the individual and collective who listens to it. Every channeler has their own unique guides and past life experiences which makes light language sound different across the board. It's not meant to be understood by anyone else but the speaker. The words are used to help strengthen the connection to their higher power and remember ancient wisdom of their past. Light language is a free flowing expression of love, truth, healing, and consciousness. Learning that light language is completely unique to every individual that allows their soul to speak was empowering! I now had a library of symbols and words to evoke powerful wisdom that could help me expose the parts of me I needed more support in.
I use light language during my meditations when I know a message is coming through. I use light language to feel heard and powerful. I use light language to feel closer to my guides, and other light beings. I use light language as symbols of healing and strength which I write on my body with eyeliner pencil to give me extra support. I use light language to give back to the universe by expressing myself without fear.
If light language is something that you wish to explore, I ask you to do just that. To explore, to play, to take all the paths which interest you. Of course you could ask questions of those who already speak the language but in the end only you will be able to channel your own light language. So surrender to the mystery and be open to receiving.