How To Keep Centered with Your Soul on a Daily Basis, Living with Eyes Wide Open
The lessons cultivated for this special post are tools explained by my coaches, teachers, and spiritual team. I hope they allow you to “stay awake” with more ease, especially in times where our 3D world appears to be in distress and chaotic. We are not bypassing what is to be seen, we are not closing our eyes to what is in front of us, we are living with eyes WIDE OPEN. The only way to live with awareness is by opening our eyes more than we previously had.
If you wish to learn how to keep your awareness high throughout your day and begin to live centered with your soul on this daily basis, you must be open to setting intentions, creating your own rituals, and setting boundaries.
Lets learn some key words:
Intentions: The foundation, we will use intentions as we move in and out of transitions, setting the tone for your day, and to discover what you wish to gain from heightening your awareness.
Rituals: The action, or the center point for coming home to yourself. Physical tools to use that help tap in with your center line which connects you to both the earth and your higher consciousness.
Boundaries: The energetic field in which you move and play throughout your day. Boundaries allow you to live in a grounded 3D world to learn lessons and to experience, while also responding to theses experiences from a 5D awareness.
3D vs 5D: 3D is what we see and know as common earth frequency, the human word, where it all takes place, where you choose to live physically. 5D is a frequency which comes from the heart, how you maintain a sense of peace and calm in the 3D world, where your soul and higher self live.
My intention is to teach you to use these words as tools (rituals) to help you keep centered and set up boundaries to live in our 3D world with an attainable 5D perspective.
Morning Awareness
A morning intention is ideal when creating a daily practice, to live in awareness with the soul. As you first wake up in the 3D world you are awakening to your mind, your thoughts, your peace. If you wake up with anxiety this can look different, so how can you wake up with a 5D perspective? Set your intentions, create a ritual, and set your boundaries. One of my favorite morning intentions to help to raise my awareness is “create before you consume.” If you’re into mantras, use this as your intention if it helps you remember to connect throughout your day. I like to create before I consume because I have noticed a trigger and sensitivty to my phone early in the morning (this is my boundary). If it does not make you feel at peace or calm, then the action you take in the morning is tuning into 3D awareness. 3D awareness can still be wonderful, we know in the 3D we are here to learn and experience lessons. However, it is your choice to stay there or not. After this I turn to my rituals, my detailed morning ritual will be linked below so I will be more brief explaining. My morning ritual typically goes as me tapping into my senses, meditating, and journaling. These are tools I know that work to help raise my awareness, especially in the morning as I have more time. I choose to start my day connecting and using these tools early on, so as I move throughout my I can utilize them at any time to come back to my soul as needed.
Afternoon Awareness
I believe the afternoon is one of the more tricky places for me to live in a conscious state. Like many, we work, we socialize, we get things done, we move around and have many transitions, its easy to zone out and become disconnected. When we become disconnected its easy for our intentions to get lost, our rituals to be forgotten, and boundaries to not feel as strong as they started. I urge you to not let it get you down, the one thing I ask for you is to take a big breath when you feel that low vibration. Our breath is our bodies tool to bring us back to center, your journal is left at home, you don’t have your crystals around I get it! This is why the breath is so important and so powerful, just as powerful as all those other tools you know and love. Your new intention throughout the afternoon is to work with your ego. In a 3D state of mind we judge ourselves, we judge each other, we give ego all the power to rule. Your new intention is to rule and work with your ego, ask it questions, tell your ego how it can best serve you. Discover the ritual or tools to help you and your ego work together. I’ve mentioned before breath, how about a walk outside? Or petting your animals if you have one? Use what is available to you, remember that awareness is just being in a state of calm so that you can respond to lifes lessons instead of reacting to them. Discover your boundaries by asking yourself, what are your triggers?, and how can you prepare yourself as they come up? Are you triggered by the news, your phone, certain people, or places? Great, distance yourself from them, take a break, take a breath so that you can come back, and look at the world again with eyes wide open.
Evening Awareness
Evening awareness is not much different from morning or afternoon awareness. It depends if you like to be active in the evening or more quiet. Then you can decide how to set your intentions, use your rituals, and create your boundaries. If you're someone who enjoys a more quiet evening, how can you prepare to end your day? When you watch Netflix, are you numbing or relaxing? Make the intentions clear. We are here to live the human experience, to stay awake you are not expected to meditate and journal all evening until you go to bed. So when you decide to play video games, or watch TV create an intention that is worthy, that puts you into a higher state on conscious, to benefit you! Same goes for going out, are you numbing (disconnecting) or relaxing (creating ease and calm)? As you make your transitions from each activity before bed explore what tools help create this atmosphere. My rituals include music, water, books, shows, writing, and family time. I know with the right intention these tools can work well for me, especially if I set my boundaries. One boundary I’m starting to create is less time on my phone before bed, and doing a more connected activity before I close my eyes. Even as you prepare to close your eyes for the day, remaining awake is important especially to set you up for the next day in the right state, less anxiety and more peace.
I am in no means a master of all these lessons, however my intention every day is to use them more and more. I am with you on this journey and always here to remind you that all the tools you need are already with you. Intentions, rituals, and boundaries are your magic elixir for life and to live with awareness. Let me know how these tips work for you, it is a journey not a race. I hope you feel the progress as you continue to become intentional with these tools and I’m excited to hear how the process goes for you.