Channeled Meditation Steps for Healing Relationship Trauma
As you know, the collective is awakening, people are standing in unity, and a new wold is approaching. A week before, I had channeled a meditation from my guides to heal my own relationship trauma and was called to share this with you. I share these meditation steps with you as a form of healing, as you either sit in solidarity, or find yourself needing to take a break to breathe and come back home to yourself. It is always important to fill up your cup, so that you can share it with someone else. This is how we show up in our most powerful form.
How this meditation came through…
Last week I was participating in a group meditation where we brought forward our ego, immediately and out of the blue I became so emotional, a traumatic experience I suppressed showed up in my memory. It was hard for me to breath and swallow. I was advised by the leader of this meditation to go back in, and have a conversation with the person who was apart of this experience. She asked if I wanted to forgive them or if a voice needed to be expressed. I explained to her that during the time of this experience I automatically forgave this person so that I could bypass my emotions and push them under the surface, but that I hadn't thought I truly forgave them. This is a touchy subject because this person has hurt many women like me, his actions were unacceptable, and we can not be forced to forgive unless we truly want and are ready to. I choose to not let this deep rooted bitterness show up any longer and I have accepted I need to forgive in order to heal.
So with this new decision I made, I went to my pillow and I began my meditation. The sequence of visions came effortlessly. Truly, after meeting this person in a natural space and seeing a glimpse of their soul, I saw a new perspective I didn’t think was possible. Of course there will be times again I could be triggered, but I knew this meditation was a golden space to comeback to whenever I needed to have that conversation again, with him or anyone else I still held resentment.
Here is the meditation sequence….
1) Get comfortable. Sit or lay in a space where you can easily allow what needs to be released to surface. You can either open or close your eyes, (for me I did this with my eyes closed).
2) Feel or visualize a seed of light in your heart. Take this seed and bring it down through your body and into Gaia. Ground yourself into her, (for me I visualized roots coming from my fingertips into her soil). This grounding is a reminder that she (Gaia) is here to support you.
3) After you ground, another presence is invited in, it is your Higher Self (I felt a warm gaze and smile looking down at me). The purpose of inviting your Higher Self is so they can help continue to plant your seed.
4) After planting your seed, you take your Higher Self to a place you feel most peaceful (this could be a beach, your home, anywhere you like). Feel the space, the smells, the sounds, the sights.
5) Once you're in your peaceful place, imagine two white pillows on the floor. One pillow is intended for your Higher Self to sit, and the other is for the person you wish to call in and heal from the story you still hold on to.
6) Once your Higher Self is seated, have them invite this person to sit in front of you. Your Higher Self begins the conversation by explaining the emotions and feelings you have felt after encountering this person, they ask the other soul for more information so they can understand.
7) Their Higher Self comes forward to speak. They openly express their own traumas, and give examples of possible past life experiences that cause them fear. As they speak it is important for you not to judge what they say, but to listen and understand the information as an outside source. Show them compassion, and be thankful they shared this vulnerability.
8) If you are comfortable, explain how you would like to forgive this person, and share a solution to help dissolve the painful emotions together.
9) When this moment is decided, imagine a place where you can store the old story and emotions (for me I saw a spirit who presented a white box, we placed the old story in this box and it began to float away disappearing).
10) Before ending the meditation, show gratitude for one another. Stand up from the white pillows and walk away in different directions. This is when you can start to come back into your body by moving your muscles slowly and opening your eyes.
After this exercise I encourage you to take notes on what you saw, felt, and heard. You can journal about what the other persons Aura/Higher Self was like. Ask questions like, what is the old story you put in the box? Add details like this if you can. Thank yourself again for taking the time for opening your heart to forgive, hopefully gaining a new perspective and a place you can revisit at anytime.
I love you, Gaia loves you, the Universe loves you...we are here to support you.