NUMEROLOGY; How to recognize numerological signs and apply them to your life

The first time I was ever contacted by my spirit guides, was through numbers. The day I was born, 19, has been shown to me every single day, multiple times a day since High School. Maybe I was unaware and they were connecting with me even longer ago, but this was the time I began to adopt spirituality in my life and was able to notice these synchronicities and patterns as true signs. When I acknowledged this number as a sign, I felt more comfortable using it as a door to communicate with my guides. If it appeared on a license plate, on the way to school, or when I felt the urge to check my clock and 19 appeared, I would begin to say “hello” and “thank you” to my guides for sending the number to me. I did this even though I still was not aware of its meaning.

This experience sparked my curiosity to research numerology. Adding more spiritual tools to my belt, I learned a few helpful tips to understanding numbers and how they apply to our lives. Here are a few basic tips I learned…

-There is a special number associated with your name. Try looking up a Western Numerology Chart and add the numbers that are associated with the letters of your name together.

-There are individual numbers (single digit) and master numbers (repeating digit), each with their own traits, characteristics, and theme that is important to your life.

-You are assigned a life path number when you are born. Add each individual digit from your birthday together (day, month, and year). For example, if the year was 1996 this number would be 1+9+9+6 = 25, 2+5= 7. Your life path number holds the key to major lessons that you will experience in this lifetime.

-You can calculate the theme of a day by adding the digits together. For example today is 5/24/20, 5+2+4+2+0= 13, 1+3= 4. Four is recognized as a chore day and checking things off your list, perfect for writing this blog post on a Sunday night!

-Numerology and Astrology are very similar. Depending on the day you were born, you are assigned personality traits related to the number associated with your birthday. I was born on the 19th. I found those who are born on the 19th are seen as “Pioneers,” independent and confident.

- Certain angels communicate with us through numbers. Repeating numbers or numbers with patterns are known as angel numbers, and have their own special words of wisdom attached to them.

What do these numbers mean?

Every number has its own unique meaning, they can represent leadership, intellect, sensitivity and many more characteristics. You can find the meaning of these numbers with a simple google search! Try to narrow your search by describing the different categories I explained such as, life path number meanings, daily number meanings, or angel number meanings. These categories have slightly different meanings for the numbers attached to them. Do some research after you make the calculations specific to your birthday, what you are noticing as a repeating number, or an angel who is trying to connect with you.

Big thank you to EMMA MILDON and her book “The Soul Searchers Handbook” for teaching me many of these tips!

Once I understood the basics, I started noticing the number 19 in more fantastical ways. After I turned 19 I began to introduce spiritual rituals in my life and advanced my knowledge on certain spiritual topics. I was supposed to graduate college in 2018, but had to repeat a year after switching majors and graduated May, 19th, 2019 instead. A very important milestone in my life! In 2019 I met my soulmate, got my first job, and got my first apartment. It was amazing to learn that 19 had a lot of powerful symbolism that resonated with my life. When compared to Tarot, the number 19 is associated with the Sun, which represents renewal and peace. When I continue to reduce the number 19, 1+9= 10, 1+0=1. I discover 1 is recognized as a number of leadership and strength.

You can use numerology in so many ways. You can study yourself according to the life you choose to reincarnate, you can use numbers as a clue to help discover your past lives and future lives, and everyday along your journey. You can either start with yourself, or look outside of yourself by taking notice of the numbers that appear in your life. Maybe there are certain dates of significance you haven’t researched before? Or times of the day you notice frequently? Most importantly be playful as you look for and discover the magic of numbers around you, and be sure let me know what you find!

Have a beautiful day,


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