How To Create a Sacred Space in Your Home to Open Up Your Channel

If your interested in opening your channel with your guides you’ve come to the right place! I am a newly practicing Tarot and Akashic record reader. With the right tools and little time I was able to open my channel wide to receive and deliver clear messages to my clients as well as myself. I credit this ability largely to the way I have created a sacred space in my home to do this work. Having a clear energetic space that allows effortless connection to your clair senses is important when doing any type of reading or channeling work. By intentionally creating this space you are building a foundation to support your reading. When your readings are supported by this foundation, you allow messages to align with the frequency you wish to connect with. My favorite way to set up a sacred space for channeling and meditating is by connecting with my physical senses. By intending to connect with my physical senses I am able to open and explore my non physical senses or my clair senses.


Visuals are very important when setting up my space. I like to have things decorated but not cluttered, every item is placed with an intention. I place a mirror in front of my altar so that when I am reciting mantras I can look myself in the eyes and feel more powerful as I recite them. This is more personal to me, but I also have a small wooden chair which I see as a place for my guides to “sit” and have a conversation with me. Try thinking of ways to make your space inviting for your guides, just as you would invite friends and family into your home. What could be your welcoming symbol?


Water, tea, and other holistic beverages are great to sip before setting up a reading or sacred practice. It's a way to move energy through your body. I always drink tea or water for a pre and post cleanse after reading with a client. Allowing whatever energies they brought into the reading to be flushed out again through my body. You can easily take energies left by a client with you after a session, so make sure you cleanse your body afterward in some way.


One of my favorite ways to clear my environment. You can either smudge or light a candle! It's important to create an intention for clearing the space as the smoke rises and purifies the areas of your alter or room. When I smudge prior to an appointment I like to announce “I am clearing the space to release all energy that is not here to serve my highest good, I intend to only fill this room with truth, love, and positive transformation for me and my client.” I also like to smudge my hands and feet to open up connection between the earth and who I channel in the cosmos.


I encourage you to play with sound in your room. This could be searching for 432hz music online, using your own playlist of intentional songs or sung mantras, you can even create your own sound too with chimes or singing bowls! Truly the possibilities are endless which is why you should play and feel the sounds your body enjoys. Sound always allows me to move freely where my body can feel relaxed and loose. Feeling tense in your body can create stagnate energy, making it harder to receive messages. Sound is a beautiful way to massage this tension out of your body.


Another favorite of mine because it involves… crystals! My favorite tangible item to touch and hold during a reading is a selenite wand, referred to as “pure liquid light,” it can easily clear any energy needed to access divine messages. Although selenite is my favorite for channeling, I have many other crystals with other intentions placed not only at my alter but around my entire home. If you want more information on what crystal would be good to include in your sacred space…. check out my blog post about my top 5 crystals to help you begin your practice for a more detailed answer…

I hold crystals in my hand, I place them to my forehead, I place them below my feet, and I use them to brush off any unwanted energy. The best tool for many occasions, and they are a beautiful visual to connect to as well.

Some more reasons to set up a sacred space besides for readings and channeling….

-Creative writing area

-Artistic space for creation

-For a concentrated business space

-Loving gatherings

-Moon rituals

-Concentrated meditation

-Peaceful yoga

I hope you enjoyed reading the ways I create my sacred space and find the time to give some love to creating your own! Let me know what tips you plan to take with you and how they help you transform the way you receive.

Have a peaceful day,


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