Can Having a Spiritual Partner Enhance Your Gifts?

The answer to this question is simple. Having a spiritual partner is much like connecting to all the other guides on your spiritual team, Angels, Spirit guides, Light Beings, Masters and more. My current partner, who’s name is Dieter, is my soulmate for many reasons. What stood out to me the most is our spiritual connection and the respect for our rituals. As I experienced in past relationships, not everyone can really vibe with the whole woo-woo, crystal loving, tarot reading girl. You know? The more we clashed I would make it all less of a big deal to me than truly was. I would never dream of showing them what I do or dare explain why I did it. I never assumed and always gave new relationships a chance to see this side of me. However, It became more clear to me when they got uncomfortable. Sometimes this would happen when they noticed certain decorations in my room, clothing, or when I decided to share some of my rituals on my social media. Because of this, I knew it didn’t matter if I shared this part of my life with them or not, and that’s a huge problem to me now as I become more in alignment with myself.

My relationship with Dieter began 10 months ago. Right before I met Dieter I made a promise to myself that the next relationship I enter would be made clear of my expectations and needs at the beginning. I did this because I could never be honest with what I wanted when it came to dating. I was the girl who would say “Yeah I’m totally fine with not being exclusive” to make the other person comfortable as it made me miserable. Dieter was ready to hear what my needs were, and didn’t bat at eye at my spiritual truths. Dieter actually has his own spiritual story, and although its somewhat different from mine and has its own label, our traditions and beliefs match almost to every degree. When learning about each other at the beginning of the relationship we took time to discuss and share our beliefs. What were his gods like compared to my spirit guides? How do we both interpret the afterlife? How would we continue traditions of certain holidays to respect both of our beliefs? What rituals do we practice? These questions were important for us to answer in the beginning, they allowed us to be more vulnerable than we ever had in our relationships prior. We even had the opportunity to do our rituals with each other and deepen our bond. Now during every full moon, Dieter and I set our intentions. We like to ask our guides questions we need guidance on, preform certain routines specific to us, and we release our energies into a lake that sits underneath the moon near our place. I love this special routine we have, and I love being able to share it with someone. I think my favorite part is listening to what his guides had to share with him as well.

Our relationship moved quickly, we moved in together with my dog Storm after 3 months of dating. We didn’t overthink it, we just followed our intuition about each other. After living with each other for 8 months, my own spiritual gifts have greatly enhanced. I don’t believe that without Dieter I could never get there on my own, but I do believe he broke down an energetic wall inside of me much quicker. This wall has prevented me from truly opening up to receive messages and energy needed for my spiritual side to truly shine and be accepted.

If you are currently single and content, I love and respect your time for independence and peaceful tranquility. If you are currently single and looking, I want you to know I believe your soulmate is also looking for you, and allow yourself to ask questions that dive deeper than the surface. If you are currently in a relationship and struggling, I lend out my hand and heart to you, I believe this is going to be a lesson for you to grow together or help one another discover your true desires. If you are currently in a relationship and happy, I’m happy you’re happy and I hope this read will give you some inspiration to build knowledge about you or your partners spiritual self.

Have a lovely day,


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