My favorite books to help you discover your spiritual interests
As I turn on my 528 Hertz meditative mind playlist, light my wolf incense holder, brew my herbal tea, and place my crystals on the table in front of me I chuckle at all the spiritual tools I’ve learned and cultivated over the past 5 years. At the start I believed these tools were absolutely required to begin a spiritual practice. As I dived deeper into my own beliefs and knowledge from spiritual guides (human and non human), I’ve come to learn that having these items is not in the least necessary to tap into your higher self. The purpose of these items is to make you feel GOOD.
The act of lighting the candle or smudging the sage just puts you in a more relaxed mood, like a good song would. The reason why I preface with this truth is because I want you to know that you don't need any true PHYSICAL TOOL to start your journey. It is just you and your guides from the moment your physical body enters and leaves the earths plane. The reason why I feel called to share with you these physical tools (books, crystals, astrology charts you name it) is because they were extremely helpful in allowing me to become more and more comfortable with my spiritual side. Something about holding a tangible object just makes you feel cozy, like a warm spiritual blanket as you slip away into your favorite Netflix show.
Now that you understand my take on the spiritual tools I share with you on this blog, I would like to share with you the first tool that helped me dip my toes into spirituality, books.
I’m going to be honest and tell you an embarrassing truth about myself. I had never read a book front to back before I read my first spiritual book at the age of 19. Nothing could hold my attention…not a biography, fiction, non-fiction, nothing. I felt as though I was not intelligent and I just had “problems with comprehension”. The truth I’ve discovered is that I had not found a book I liked enough to read until I found spiritually books! Once I read one…I had to read them ALL. Now I began to understand why everyone liked to read so much. I liked to learn about myself as I read, why I acted a certain way based on my human design and birth chart, and how I could use my chart to my advantage! I felt more in control of my life than ever before.
If this story sounds like you then WELCOME, you're either a curious soul or a soul who is ready to dive deeper into themselves. That is the best kind of self love in my opinion. I am here to gift you with my collection of spiritual books..
Books for the curious soul and what I started with,
- “The Fifth Agreement” by Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz
- “The Soul Searcher’s Handbook” by Emma Mildon
- “Hippies in The City” by Rita Balshaw
- “MANIFEST” by Annie Tarasova
Books for the ready soul and what I read now,
- “The Instruction/ The Old Souls Guidebook” by Ainslie MacLeod
- “Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.
- “The Secret Language of Birthdays/The Secret Language of Relationships” by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers
-“Crystal 365” by Heather Askinosie
-“The House Witch” by Arin Hiscock-Murphy
I hope you enjoy one, two, or maybe even all of them at some point on your journey. I've made a YouTube video which dives deeper into each of these books on my linked channel.